

Nosotros are all familiar with the concept of our aboriginal ancestors discovering fire for the very start time. Later on closing your optics, you lot can most picture the scene. A heavy-browed animate being witnessing a tree bursting into flame after been struck by lightning, or accidentally hitting a flint and setting alight to some dry grass. Finally, humankind discovers the magic of fire and all that it encompasses - warmth, light and the ability to melt things. Information technology'due south a swell bound forwards. Meat for instance, does not take to be eaten raw anymore. Roasting or grilling must come every bit sweet relief!

The interesting thing though, is evidence that butchery may take also played a key function in our evolution. The development of our ability to break down animals after hunting them downwardly, could most exist equally important, every bit finding that bright spark.

In the UK, the biggest sign that points towards this bold statement was the discovery of elephant remains at Ebbsfleet, in Kent; discovered during the construction of the HS1 runway link, in 2003. Set up amongst the scattered basic, archaeologists found a vast array of sharp flint tools and artefacts, that suggested some sort of butchery must accept taken place. Further nonetheless, a lot of the bones had cut marks that are consistent with techniques seen today. And this is from a site that is estimated to be over 420,000 years old.

Plenty of other areas accept been found to support this idea and information technology is compelling that remains show that prehistoric tastes were varied and diverse. Up until 100,000 years agone, much of Europe'south terrain was similar to the plains of central Africa and every bit such, hippopotamus, rhinoceros and lion all seem to have been big features on the menu. Forth with smaller creatures such as rabbit, vole and shrew.

Also the usual of collection of stone tools, it is besides not uncommon for serrated basic, heavy rocks and petrified woods to be found either. Which has atomic number 82 experts to surmise that zilch was wasted at these butchery 'centres'. Particularly with regards to the larger animals. Subsequently stripping away the most prized cuts, skulls would have been smashed open to get to the brain, tongues were freed from jaws, levered off with heavy wooden branches and invaluable hides were sawn off; to provide clothing, protection and shelter.

Food historian, Annie Gray backs up this assertion of making the nigh of the hunt by saying that 'Even basic where splintered in half, to become access to the prized marrow, every bit it was an essential source of energy.'



The Romans have been credited with introducing many things to this land. Such every bit direct roads, plumbing and our calendar. Simply they were also responsible for delivering concepts of fast food, advertising on billboards and the distribution of fine wine. Given the food led angle then, it probably doesn't come up as a surprise that Roman butchers were besides in demand, as they brought with them a new gear up of skills and approaches to meat.

Prior to this, slaughter of animals was however very much tied to ceremony and rites of passage, with distribution of meat sent out to the community, to exist smoked or salted for the long booty ahead. Merely with the burgeoning development of towns and increasing populations moving in from the countryside, there was a significant shift toward wholesale procurement, whole carcass slaughterhouse and secondary, pocket-sized scale processing to meet demand. Butchery suddenly became commercial and the butcher'south store was born. Except information technology probably resembled aught more than a cart, with various joints and parts hanging haphazardly about the place.

Again, at that place was an emphasis that nothing was wasted simply according to the archaeological and historical record, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that distribution was undertaken by various specialists. So, in other words, aslope regular meat merchants, you lot would have your butcher who dealt specifically with heads and hooves. Some butchers would sell nothing just bone marrow, others just offal. And going on from there, came the rise of the horn butcher; who may well have sold horns and horns only. Which doesn't sound like much of a butcher, but there you go.

Probably the nigh significant and recognisable feature of Roman butchery though, is the ascent of the cleaver and chopping block. Because speed had become a central gene, chopping out joints and simply slicing with a curved cleaver was very much the dominant method. There simply wasn't the time for intricate pocketknife work and as such, Roman butchers had to exist very accurate with their swinging deportment. There is no mention of whatsoever severed finger bones being found in the record of whatsoever Roman sites, then we tin simply assume that they were very skilled indeed.

Middle Ages


Come up the onset of the Middle Ages, butchery equally a trade and institution, once more made a step forrard. But in some respects, it besides took several steps dorsum.

According to Annie Greyness 'Medieval butchers were headed by a guild (the butcher's social club however exists) and regulated by assizes, copies of which nevertheless be. Selling poor quality meat, or falsifying weights, was punishable.' And the penalty really was severe. Butchers constitute selling rotten meat would be dragged through the streets, covered in excrement, made to drink sour beer and slammed in the stocks. So, thank goodness that some sort of regulation existed back then.

Nevertheless, a feudal arrangement meant that meat was largely procured for nobility and those with wealth. If you were a peasant, well it was largely pottage and porridge for you. With perhaps the tiniest scrap of bacon. For those who could beget it, there was a vast amount of meat available, with a strong accent on game and exotic birds, such every bit starlings, peacocks and swans. They would eat it all.

And in London, a big majority of that was to be found at Smithfield Market; which by the late Middle Ages had get the about famous livestock marketplace in the land. It was besides the site of many executions, including that of Wat Tyler, leader of the Peasants' Revolt and Scottish hero, William Wallace; equally played by Mel Gibson; in the historically inaccurate 'Braveheart'. But mostly, Smithfield was a happy go lucky and lively place to exist, with much cavorting going on in the surrounding streets.

In terms of the art of shambles, some of those in the merchandise enjoyed the same level of respect that a physician or doctor would expect, given their superior noesis of anatomy. Simply, paradoxically, they were likewise seen equally slightly shady. Given the unhygienic land of nearly cities and towns in the Centre Ages, the butcher's reputation was also constantly under fire.

But Annie Greyness believes that to exist a impact unfair:

'Can we put the pervading myth that medieval people disguised tainted meat with lots of spice to bed now delight? Meat was very expensive, but spices were fifty-fifty more so - you'd never waste spices on bad meat or hazard eating bad meat - medieval medicine wasn't smashing and really bad food poisoning could, if you were weak already, kill yous.'

Victorian times


Although the Victorian times might be remembered for dodgy health and safety and questionable pie fillings, the 19th century saw a huge shift for the local butcher. You're used to seeing blackness and white photos of menacing looking blokes and their x-year-onetime administration standing in a row in front of bloody carcases, but the reality was far less gruesome. According to Annie Gray: 'Butchers were busier than always every bit Uk urbanised quickly, becoming the kickoff country in the world where more people lived in towns than in the country in 1851'.

Victorians ate a lot of meat, and you could even say that we might owe the civilisation of nose-to-tail eating right down to them. Not one unmarried part of the animal was wasted, with the animal divided in terms of cuts and their tenderness. The upper classes bought large feasting joints, the bigger the better, for their three meals per day, each of which were based around meat. Bones were bought to season soups, and less meaty and less tender cuts were sold to the poor including salted fatty for nutrition. At that place's fifty-fifty stories of blood being sold by the pint for drinking – supposedly good for combatting Tuberculosis.

Shopping at the butcher was usually done daily, cheers to the lack of refrigeration. To combat this, salt preservation was huge, and helped to proceed pieces of meat fresh for longer during warmer times. Things started to change a lilliputian towards the finish of the century, when beefiness was kept in an 'ice safety', with water ice delivered past the rather ominous sounding 'ice man' who delivered huge iceberg-like blocks 1 his equus caballus drawn cart.

Animals taken to the butchers' shop were brought from effectually an ever-growing London, in more rural areas, and drove through the metropolis to markets where they were slaughtered on spot and sold, and believe us the demand was high. The Victorian era was characterised by the 'swallow, drink and be merry' mental attitude, with the principal part of their nutrition based effectually meat consumption. Tables were stacked with feasting joints made to look gruesomely lifelike – whole rabbits, whole birds and legs of pork with trotters nonetheless attached, and game birds with the heads and legs still on. Annie notes: 'Eating meat continued to be a marking of prestige and wealth, peculiarly roast meat, always carried out on a spit in forepart of an open fire.'

The demand for the butcher was at an all-time high, leading to the institution of the Meat Trades Journal 1868 – a publication which noted the sale and price of meat per region of the UK.

20th Century


With the First and Second world state of war came humongous changes for the local and high street butcher. Rationing changed the way that the butcher sold their meat, as well as preservation, with butchers beingness given a miniscule meat-buying allowance to produce sausages, pies, and other products. Butchers barbarous within the 'reserved occupations' list (equally shop assistants) of Globe State of war Two, meaning that if they were above thirty-5, they were exempt from serving, every bit there was still a huge demand for the butcher, still the only place from which you could purchase your meat.

The stop of the second earth state of war was, unfortunately the very start of industrial farming as we know it, with the UK government introducing the Agriculture Deed that promised farmers greater subsidies in return for a greater output. The aim was to reduce Britain's reliance on imported meat, only unfortunately the act, along with the introduction of pre-packaging meat in a supermarket, led to some serious over-industrialisation. As Annie Gray says: 'when meat finally started to go freely available once again, people demanded option cuts and increasingly rejected, if they could afford information technology, offal head meats which were associated with poverty and agony'.

The 1960s saw the beginning of the butcher'southward decline and the movement of the consumer away from the high street. Before the 60s, self-service shops were a rarity, but as time went on the supermarket began to accept over, and whilst there were only ten self-service shops in the Britain in 1947, by the 1960s at that place were several around the UK.

Supermarkets removed the need for customer's interaction with a butcher altogether by stacking shelves with steaks, mince, portions in packs of ii and four, and pricing them prepare to be checked out. With the extreme ease of shopping, butchers started to see their profits dwindle and were forced to close.

Modernistic Mean solar day


Closing figures reached an all-time high when the Meat Trades Journal reported in 2008 that by the year 2000, 23 butchers' shops around the land were closing every month. In the mid 1990s, they reported that there were 22,00 butchers, whilst simply 7,100 remained in 2010. As a comparison, by 2013 there were almost 10,000 supermarket stores in the Uk alone.

The outbreak of BSE near to the millennium was a huge striking to the meat industry and the butcher, with a block on overseas UK beef sales, and a limitation put on os-in cutting sales.

But, the growth of the supermarket was hit with a fleck of a blow in early 2013, when it emerged that traces of horsemeat had been found inside burgers at Tesco, Aldi and Lidl. At that place was a sudden surge of supermarkets rushing to cover their meat products with provenance in the need to win back the trust of the consumer, but the damage was already done. Over the last few years, the high street has been planning a improvement; seen past consumers as the identify they tin can become to buy food from the people that they trust.

Butchers present have to adapt to an always-changing marketplace to keep their customers returning thanks to glory chefs and an increasingly broad food scene. Influences from Europe and particularly America on the cooking scene have led to butchers irresolute the way they wait at their meat, introducing U.S style BBQ cuts and moving away from the traditional cuts that would've been seen l years ago.

Exterior of supermarkets, the butcher accounts for 1 in 9 food industry jobs, and contributes £550 million to the British economy. The local butcher is dorsum; and this time it's for expert.